Published by Craig Corti on 4/10/2023
Conifers are my favorite kind of tree. Most of these pleasant smelling cone bearing trees keep their green needles all year, but not all of them.
The Tamarack tree, also known as the Eastern Larch or more formally Larix Laricina, sheds its needles during the cooler months. Before doing so, their needles turn a bright yellow color in the fall. There are great stands of these trees located in Canada and even as far south in the United States as West Virginia. Known for having tough wood, they can also be quite flexible depending on how the tree is processed.
The deciduous nature of this tree is worth noting since only about 5% of all conifer species shed their needles seasonally.
We can learn a lot from the Tamarack tree. It's a symbol that with a growth mindset there will be inevitable ebbs and flows. Things change, lessons are learned, good times come and good times go. What remains is our ability to move forward. It is okay to stand firm, but understand there is great value in flexibility.
If you ever experience a moment of fleeting joy, just remember your vibrant color will soon return. This barren feeling is not permanent, rather, just the natural course of things.
You will grow like a tree. Steadily, firmly, and with resounding strength.
-Craig, Old-Timer Mindset
Conifers are my favorite kind of tree. Most of these pleasant smelling cone bearing trees keep their green needles all year, but not all of them.
The Tamarack tree, also known as the Eastern Larch or more formally Larix Laricina, sheds its needles during the cooler months. Before doing so, their needles turn a bright yellow color in the fall. There are great stands of these trees located in Canada and even as far south in the United States as West Virginia. Known for having tough wood, they can also be quite flexible depending on how the tree is processed.
The deciduous nature of this tree is worth noting since only about 5% of all conifer species shed their needles seasonally.
We can learn a lot from the Tamarack tree. It's a symbol that with a growth mindset there will be inevitable ebbs and flows. Things change, lessons are learned, good times come and good times go. What remains is our ability to move forward. It is okay to stand firm, but understand there is great value in flexibility.
If you ever experience a moment of fleeting joy, just remember your vibrant color will soon return. This barren feeling is not permanent, rather, just the natural course of things.
You will grow like a tree. Steadily, firmly, and with resounding strength.
-Craig, Old-Timer Mindset